NeoPRO Pico PLUS Western ECL Substrate

Cat# NB-78-00003

Size : 2x125mLkit

Brand : Neo Biotech

WESTAR ANTARES is an ECL substrate with stable light output for mid femtogram detection level.

The perfect ECL formulation combining great sensitivity and long signal duration.

Properties for WESTAR ANTARES

Description WESTAR ANTARES is an ECL substrate with stable light output for mid femtogram detection level.
The perfect ECL formulation combining great sensitivity and long signal duration.
Features Mid femtogram detection
Extended signal duration
Working solution stable for at least three days
High range flexibility
Components Luminol/enhancer solution (A)
Peroxide solution (B)
Antibody Dilution Range Primary: 1:1.000 - 1:15.000
Secondary: 1:25.000 - 1:150.000
(from 1 mg/mL stock solution)
Available as 2 x 125 mL kit (2500 cm2 of membrane)
Signal duration > 24 hours
Storage Stable for 1 year at RT
Product is shipped at ambient temperature