Lactate is an important energy source for living organisms and can generate cellular ATP. Lactate is chiral: L(+)-Lactate and D(-)-Lactate. L(+)-Lactate exists in blood and is constantly produced from pyruvate by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in human intermediary metabolism. D(-)-Lactate is present only at about 1-5% of the concentration of L(+)-Lactate. Abnormal high concentration of lactate is related to diseases such as lactate acidosis and diabetes.
The Lactate Fluorometric Assay Kit provides a highly sensitive, simple and convenient way for detection of very low levels of L(+)-lactate in various biological samples based on fluorometric method. In the assay, L(+)-lactate is specifically oxidized to produce an intermediate that reacts with a colorless probe to yield fluorescence (Ex/Em = 535/587 nm), which is directly proportional to the amount of lactate. The kit is suited for high-throughput assay and can detect less than 0.2 µM L(+)-lactate in various biological samples.
Features & Properties
Fast and convenient; Simple, rapid, and high-throughput adaptable; Kit is the most sensitive Lactate Assay kit on the market.