ViaFluor® 405 Live Cell Microtubule Stain, Trial Size

Cat# 70064

Size : 50UL

Brand : Biotium

ViaFluor® Live Cell Microtubule Stains

Cell-permeant probes for imaging the microtubule cytoskeleton in live cells. Available with blue, green, or far-red fluorescence.


Cellular Stains

Product Description

ViaFluor® Live Cell Microtubule Stains are cell-permeant probes for imaging the microtubule cytoskeleton in live cells. They are simple, rapid and sensitive stains that can be imaged without a wash step.

  • Cell-permeant fluorescent microtubule probes
  • Rapid, sensitive, no-wash stains for live cells
  • Available with blue, green, or far-red fluorescence
  • ViaFluor® 647 dye compatible with SIM or STED

ViaFluor® Live Cell Microtubule Stains bind to polymerized tubulin and may be used to visualize microtubules in live cells for up to 24 hours in immortalized cell types. However, the probes may show cytotoxicity and cell cycle arrest with longer incubation times. The stains are supplied as a 1000X stock solutions in DMSO, and include a vial of 100 mM VRP, an efflux pump inhibitor that may improve probe retention and staining in some cell types.

ViaFluor® Live Cell Microtubule Stains cannot be fixed after staining, and cannot be used with fixed cells or tissues. The probes are not predicted to bind bacterial or yeast microtubules. Learn more about our other Fluorescent Cellular Stains for nucleus, mitochondria, lysosomes, or see our selection of Microbiology Stains & Kits.


ViaFluor® Live Cell Microtubule Stains

Dye Ex/Em Catalog no. Size (1000X
in DMSO)*
ViaFluor® 405 408/452 nm 70064-T 10 uL Blue fluorescence for the DAPI channel
70064 50 uL
ViaFluor® 488 500/515 nm 70062-T 10 uL Green fluorescence for the FITC channel
70062 50 uL
ViaFluor® 647 650/675 nm 70063-T 10 uL Far-red fluorescence for the Cy®5 channel
Compatible with SIM or STED
70063 50 uL
* Supplied with 100 mM VRP in DMSO for optional use.
Cy5 is a registered trademark of Cytiva.

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