TransTaq® DNA Polymerase High Fidelity (HiFi)

Cat# AP131-02

Size : 500units

Brand : TransGen Biotech

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TransTaq® DNA Polymerase High Fidelity (HiFi)

Catalog Number: AP131-01

Price:Please inquire first

250 units
500 units
6×500 units

Product Details

TransTaq® DNA Polymerase High Fidelity (TransTaq®HiFi DNA Polymerase) contains TransTaq®-T DNA Polymerase and a proofreading 3’-5’ exonuclease.TransTaq® HiFi DNA Polymerase provides higher specificity and higher amplification efficiency than TransTaq®-T DNA Polymerase. Two different buffers are provided in the kit.TransTaq® HiFi Buffer I is optimized for the amplification of genomic DNA and TransTaq® HiFi Buffer II is optimized for the amplification of λDNA, cDNA or plasmid DNA.

• TransTaq® HiFi DNA Polymerase offers 18-fold fidelity as compared to EasyTaq® DNA Polymerase.
• Extension rate is about 1-2 kb/min.
• Template-independent “A” can be generated at the 3’ end of the PCR product. PCR products can be directly cloned into pEASY®-T vectors.
• Amplification of genomic DNA fragment up to 15 kb.

• Complex templates
• GC/AT rich templates
• Long PCR
• High yield PCR

at -20 ℃ for two years

Dry ice (-70 ℃)

Product Composition

Component   AP131-01/11   AP131-02/12   AP131-03/13
TransTaq® HiFi DNA Polymerase          250 U×1          500 U×1          500 U×6
10×TransTaq® HiFi Buffer I          1.2 ml×1          1.2 ml×1          1.2 ml×6
10×TransTaq® HiFi Buffer II          1.2 ml×1          1.2 ml×1          1.2 ml×6
2.5 mM dNTP       -/400 μl×1       -/800 μl×1       -/800 μl×6
10×GC Enhancer          200 μl×1          400 μl×1             1 ml×1
6×DNA Loading Buffer          500 μl×1             1 ml×1             1 ml×2


1 Cao J, Huang C, Liu J, et al. Comparative Genomics and Functional Studies of Putative m6A Methyltransferase (METTL) Genes in Cotton[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022.(IF 6.208)

2 Du J, Wang X, Li Y, et al. DHA exhibits synergistic therapeutic efficacy with cisplatin to induce ferroptosis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma via modulation of iron metabolism[J]. Cell Death & Disease, 2021.(IF 8.40)

3 Di Y Q, Han X L, Kang X L, et al. Autophagy triggers CTSD (cathepsin D) maturation and localization inside cells to promote apoptosis[J]. Autophagy, 2021.(IF 9.77)

4 Li S, Li X, Xue W, et al. Screening for functional circular RNAs using the CRISPR–Cas13 system[J]. Nature methods, 2021.(IF 30.82)


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