TransStart® Top Green qPCR SuperMix (+Dye I )

Cat# AQ132-13

Size : 15×1ml

Brand : TransGen Biotech

  • AQ131-01.JPG
Product Details

TransStart® Top Green qPCR SuperMix is a ready-to-use qPCR cocktail containing all components, except primer and template. It contains TransStart® TopTaq DNA Polymerase, SYBR Green I, dNTPs, PCR enhancer and stabilizer. qPCR SuperMix is provided at 2× concentration and can be used at 1× concentration by adding template, primer, passive reference dye (optional) and ddH2O.

TransStart® TopTaq DNA Polymerase, hot start with double blocking technique, improves sensitivity, enhances specificity and generates more accurate data.
• Double cation (K+, NH4+) buffer enhances specificity and reduces primer-dimer formation.
• Passive reference dyes are provided for different qPCR instruments.

at -20°C  in dark for two years

Dry ice (-70 ℃)

Product Contents

TransStart® Top Green qPCR SuperMix1 ml5×1 ml15×1 ml25×1 ml
Passive Reference Dye (50×)40 μl200 μl600 μl1 ml
Nuclease-free Water1 ml5 ml3×5 ml5×5 ml


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