Suramin (sodium salt) [129-46-4]

Cat# HY-B0879A-1ml

Size : 10mM/1mL

Brand : MedChemExpress

Suramin sodium salt (Suramin hexasodium salt) is a reversible and competitive protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) inhibitor. Suramin sodium salt is a potent inhibitor of sirtuins: SirT1 (IC50=297 nM), SirT2 (IC50=1.15 μM), and SirT5 (IC50=22 μM). Suramin sodium salt is a competitive inhibitor of reverse transcriptase (DNA topoisomerase II: IC50=5 μM). Suramin sodium salt is a potent SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) inhibitor. Suramin sodium salt efficiently inhibits IP5K and is an antiparasitic, anti-neoplastic and anti-angiogenic agent.

For research use only. We do not sell to patients.

Suramin sodium salt Chemical Structure

Suramin sodium salt Chemical Structure

CAS No. : 129-46-4

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Based on 15 publication(s) in Google Scholar

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    Suramin sodium salt purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: J Biol Chem. 2020 Jul 24;295(30):10281-10292.  [Abstract]

    Suramin inhibits IP5K function in vivo. Immunoprecipitation of myc-CSN2 from myc-CSN2-HEK293 stable cell after IP5K knockdown, with or without Suramin or NF449 treatment.

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    Suramin sodium salt (Suramin hexasodium salt) is a reversible and competitive protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) inhibitor[1]. Suramin sodium salt is a potent inhibitor of sirtuins: SirT1 (IC50=297 nM), SirT2 (IC50=1.15 μM), and SirT5 (IC50=22 μM)[2]. Suramin sodium salt is a competitive inhibitor of reverse transcriptase (DNA topoisomerase II: IC50=5 μM)[3][4]. Suramin sodium salt is a potent SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) inhibitor[5]. Suramin sodium salt efficiently inhibits IP5K and is an antiparasitic, anti-neoplastic and anti-angiogenic agent[6][7][8].

    IC50 & Target[2]


    297 nM (IC50)


    1.15 μM (IC50)


    22 μM (IC50)

    In Vitro

    Suramin sodium salt (Suramin hexasodium salt; 50-600 μg/mL; for 24-96 hours) inhibits cells proliferation in a dose-dependent and time-dependent manner and decreases viability in cancer cells[7].
    Suramin sodium salt (300 μg/mL; for 48 hours) induces cells apoptosis and down-regulates mRNA expression in HeLa cells[7].
    Suramin sodium salt (1 mg/mL; 1 hour) significantly suppresses the phosphorylated ERK1/2[8].
    The IC50 values of HO-8910 PM and HeLa are 319 μg/mL, 476 μg/mL, respectively[7].
    Suramin blocks viral replication in Vero E6 cells[5].

    MedChemExpress (MCE) has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.

    Cell Proliferation Assay[6]

    Cell Line: HO-8910 PM ovarian and Hela cervical cancer cells
    Concentration: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 μg/mL
    Incubation Time: For 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours
    Result: Inhibited cells proliferation in a dose-dependent and time-dependent manner.

    Apoptosis Analysis[6]

    Cell Line: HeLa cells
    Concentration: 300 μg/mL
    Incubation Time: For 48 hours
    Result: Induced cells apoptosis.

    Western Blot Analysis[7]

    Cell Line: PA-SMCs cells
    Concentration: 1 mg/mL
    Incubation Time: For 1 hour
    Result: Significantly suppressed the phosphorylated ERK1/2.
    In Vivo

    Suramin sodium salt (Suramin hexasodium salt; 10 mg/kg; IV; twice weekly for 3 weeks) reverses established pulmonary hypertension (PH), thereby normalizing the pulmonary artery pressure values and vessel structure[8].

    MedChemExpress (MCE) has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.

    Animal Model: Adult male Wistar rats (200-225 g)[7]
    Dosage: 10 mg/kg
    Administration: IV; twice weekly for 3 weeks
    Result: Reversed established PH, thereby normalizing the pulmonary artery pressure values and vessel structure.
    Clinical Trial
    Molecular Weight




    CAS No.





    Off-white to light brown




    Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere.


    4°C, sealed storage, away from moisture and light

    *In solvent : -80°C, 6 months; -20°C, 1 month (sealed storage, away from moisture and light)

    Solvent & Solubility
    In Vitro: 

    DMSO : 83.33 mg/mL (58.31 mM; Need ultrasonic; Hygroscopic DMSO has a significant impact on the solubility of product, please use newly opened DMSO)

    H2O : 50 mg/mL (34.99 mM; Need ultrasonic)

    Stock Solutions
    Concentration Solvent Mass 1 mg 5 mg 10 mg
    1 mM 0.6997 mL 3.4985 mL 6.9971 mL
    5 mM 0.1399 mL 0.6997 mL 1.3994 mL
    View the Complete Stock Solution Preparation Table

    * Please refer to the solubility information to select the appropriate solvent. Once prepared, please aliquot and store the solution to prevent product inactivation from repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
    Storage method and period of stock solution: -80°C, 6 months; -20°C, 1 month (sealed storage, away from moisture and light). When stored at -80°C, please use it within 6 months. When stored at -20°C, please use it within 1 month.

    * Note: If you choose water as the stock solution, please dilute it to the working solution, then filter and sterilize it with a 0.22 μm filter before use.

    • Molarity Calculator

    • Dilution Calculator

    Mass (g) = Concentration (mol/L) × Volume (L) × Molecular Weight (g/mol)

    Molecular Weight *

    Concentration (start) × Volume (start) = Concentration (final) × Volume (final)

    This equation is commonly abbreviated as: C1V1 = C2V2

    Concentration (start)


    Volume (start)


    Concentration (final)


    Volume (final)


    In Vivo:

    Select the appropriate dissolution method based on your experimental animal and administration route.

    For the following dissolution methods, please ensure to first prepare a clear stock solution using an In Vitro approach and then sequentially add co-solvents:
    To ensure reliable experimental results, the clarified stock solution can be appropriately stored based on storage conditions. As for the working solution for in vivo experiments, it is recommended to prepare freshly and use it on the same day.
    The percentages shown for the solvents indicate their volumetric ratio in the final prepared solution. If precipitation or phase separation occurs during preparation, heat and/or sonication can be used to aid dissolution.

    • Protocol 1

      Add each solvent one by one:  10% DMSO    40% PEG300    5% Tween-80    45% Saline

      Solubility: ≥ 2.08 mg/mL (1.46 mM); Clear solution

      This protocol yields a clear solution of ≥ 2.08 mg/mL (saturation unknown).

      Taking 1 mL working solution as an example, add 100 μL DMSO stock solution (20.8 mg/mL) to 400 μL PEG300, and mix evenly; then add 50 μL Tween-80 and mix evenly; then add 450 μL Saline to adjust the volume to 1 mL.

      Preparation of Saline: Dissolve 0.9 g sodium chloride in ddH₂O and dilute to 100 mL to obtain a clear Saline solution.
    • Protocol 2

      Add each solvent one by one:  10% DMSO    90% (20% SBE-β-CD in Saline)

      Solubility: ≥ 2.08 mg/mL (1.46 mM); Clear solution

      This protocol yields a clear solution of ≥ 2.08 mg/mL (saturation unknown).

      Taking 1 mL working solution as an example, add 100 μL DMSO stock solution (20.8 mg/mL) to 900 μL 20% SBE-β-CD in Saline, and mix evenly.

      Preparation of 20% SBE-β-CD in Saline (4°C, storage for one week): 2 g SBE-β-CD powder is dissolved in 10 mL Saline, completely dissolve until clear.

    For the following dissolution methods, please prepare the working solution directly. It is recommended to prepare fresh solutions and use them promptly within a short period of time.
    The percentages shown for the solvents indicate their volumetric ratio in the final prepared solution. If precipitation or phase separation occurs during preparation, heat and/or sonication can be used to aid dissolution.

    • Protocol 1

      Add each solvent one by one:  PBS

      Solubility: 100 mg/mL (69.97 mM); Clear solution; Need ultrasonic

    In Vivo Dissolution Calculator
    Please enter the basic information of animal experiments:



    Animal weight
    (per animal)


    Dosing volume
    (per animal)


    Number of animals

    Recommended: Prepare an additional quantity of animals to account for potential losses during experiments.
    Calculation results:
    Working solution concentration: mg/mL
    This product has good water solubility, please refer to the measured solubility data in water/PBS/Saline for details.
    The concentration of the stock solution you require exceeds the measured solubility. The following solution is for reference only.If necessary, please contact MedChemExpress (MCE).
    Purity & Documentation

    Purity: 99.48%

    • [1]. Zhang YL, et al. Suramin is an active site-directed, reversible, and tight-binding inhibitor of protein-tyrosine phosphatases. J Biol Chem. 1998 May 15;273(20):12281-7.  [Content Brief]

      [2]. Trapp J, et al. Structure-activity studies on suramin analogues as inhibitors of NAD+-dependent histone deacetylases (sirtuins). ChemMedChem. 2007 Oct;2(10):1419-31.  [Content Brief]

      [3]. Schuetz A, et al. Structural basis of inhibition of the human NAD+-dependent deacetylase SIRT5 by suramin. Structure. 2007 Mar;15(3):377-89.  [Content Brief]

      [4]. De Clercq E, et al. Suramin: a potent inhibitor of the reverse transcriptase of RNA tumor viruses. Cancer Lett. 1979 Nov;8(1):9-22.  [Content Brief]

      [5]. Wanchao Yin, et al. Structural basis for inhibition of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA polymerase by suramin. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2021 Mar;28(3):319-325.  [Content Brief]

      [6]. Jindal HK, et al. Suramin affects DNA synthesis in HeLa cells by inhibition of DNA polymerases. Cancer Res. 1990 Dec 15;50(24):7754-7.  [Content Brief]

      [7]. Xiaozhe Zhang, et al. Suramin and NF449 Are IP5K Inhibitors That Disrupt IP6-mediated Regulation of Cullin RING Ligase and Sensitize Cancer Cells to MLN4924/pevonedistat. J Biol Chem. 2020 Jun 3;jbc.RA120.014375.  [Content Brief]

      [8]. Novaes RD, et al. Purinergic Antagonist Suramin Aggravates Myocarditis and Increases Mortality by EnhancingParasitism, Inflammation, and Reactive Tissue Damage in Trypanosoma cruzi-Infected Mice. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2018 Sep 30;2018:7385639.  [Content Brief]

      [9]. Izikki M, et al. The beneficial effect of suramin on monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in rats. PLoS One. 2013 Oct 15;8(10):e77073.  [Content Brief]

    Complete Stock Solution Preparation Table

    * Please refer to the solubility information to select the appropriate solvent. Once prepared, please aliquot and store the solution to prevent product inactivation from repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
    Storage method and period of stock solution: -80°C, 6 months; -20°C, 1 month (sealed storage, away from moisture and light). When stored at -80°C, please use it within 6 months. When stored at -20°C, please use it within 1 month.

    Optional Solvent Concentration Solvent Mass 1 mg 5 mg 10 mg 25 mg
    H2O / DMSO 1 mM 0.6997 mL 3.4985 mL 6.9971 mL 17.4927 mL
    5 mM 0.1399 mL 0.6997 mL 1.3994 mL 3.4985 mL
    10 mM 0.0700 mL 0.3499 mL 0.6997 mL 1.7493 mL
    15 mM 0.0466 mL 0.2332 mL 0.4665 mL 1.1662 mL
    20 mM 0.0350 mL 0.1749 mL 0.3499 mL 0.8746 mL
    25 mM 0.0280 mL 0.1399 mL 0.2799 mL 0.6997 mL
    30 mM 0.0233 mL 0.1166 mL 0.2332 mL 0.5831 mL
    DMSO 40 mM 0.0175 mL 0.0875 mL 0.1749 mL 0.4373 mL
    50 mM 0.0140 mL 0.0700 mL 0.1399 mL 0.3499 mL

    * Note: If you choose water as the stock solution, please dilute it to the working solution, then filter and sterilize it with a 0.22 μm filter before use.

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    Suramin sodium salt Related Classifications

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    Suramin129-46-4Suramin hexasodiumPhosphataseSirtuinReverse TranscriptaseTopoisomeraseSARS-CoVParasiteApoptosisSARS coronavirusprotein-tyrosinephosphatasesPTPasesDNAtopoisomeraseIIantitrypanosomalanti-neoplasticanti-angiogenicIP5KantiparasiticInhibitorinhibitorinhibit

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