Resorcin-Fuchsin Solution

Cat# 26370-01

Size : 500mL

Brand : Citifluor-EMS

Resorcin-Fuchsin Solution

Lillie (1965); Mallory (1938); Weigert (1898)

For stain elastic fibers in blood vessel walls, nuclei and collagen.

Stain results:

Elastic Tissues:   Dark Blue
Nuclei (red if Orth's Carmine used):   Dark Blue
Collagen:   Red-Pink
Miscellaneous Tissue Elements:   Yellow (with Van Gieson's stain)


Mallory, FB: Pathological Technique; New York: Hafner Publishing Co., c. 1961, p. 168
Clark G: Staining Procedures, Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co., 3rd ed. c. 1973, p.60
Luna, I. G.: AFIP Histologic Staining Methods: New York: McGraw Hill Book Co., 3rd ed., c. 1968, p. 80

SKU: 26370-01
Pack: 500 mL
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