Rat Cardiomyocytes

Cat# 12117-09

Size : 1FrozenVial

Brand : Celprogen

  • Product Description

     Rat Cardiomyocytes Cell Culture

    Source Rat Cardiac
    T25 plated cells
    T75 plated cells
    80 population doublings
    This product requires Celprogen Rat Cardiomyocytes Cell Culture complete growth medium M12117-09 and extracellular matrix E12117-09-T25 or E12119-09-T75. The tissue culture media is available with serum and serum free and also phenol free; please specify in order.

    Source: Rat Cardiomyocyte            

    Positive Marker: troponin, alpha-sarcomeric actin

    Cells are only guaranteed with purchase of Celprogen Media and Celprogen Extra Cellular Matrix for appropriate cell culture, for 30 days from the date of shipment.



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