Oil Red O Stain Kit (For Fat)

Cat# orb1711168

Size : 1kit(s)

Brand : Biorbyt

    Oil Red O Stain Kit (For Fat)

    Oil Red O Stain Kit (For Fat)

    Catalog Number: orb1711168

    Catalog Numberorb1711168
    CategoryAssays and Kits
    DescriptionOil Red O Stain Kit (For Fat) is intended for use in the histological visualization of fat cells and neutral fat. This kit may be used ONLY on frozen tissue sections, fresh smears, or touch preps. Fat Cells: Red Neutral Fat: Red Nuclei: Blue orb1711168 Kit Contents: Propylene Glycol, 500ml Oil Red O Solution, 125ml Hematoxylin, Mayer's (Lillie's Mod.), 125ml
    NoteFor research use only
    Expiration DatePlease enquire.