Mouse IgG3 antibody

Cat# orb347367-1mg

Size : 1mg

Brand : Biorbyt

    Mouse IgG3 antibody

    Catalog Number: orb347367

    Catalog Numberorb347367
    DescriptionMouse IgG3 antibody
    Tested applicationsELISA, IHC, WB
    ImmunogenMouse IgG3 heavy chain
    Concentration1.0 mg/mL
    Dilution rangeELISA: 1:40,000 - 1:200,000, IHC: 1:2,000 - 1:10,000, WB: 1:4,000 - 1:20,000
    Form/AppearanceLiquid (sterile filtered)
    PurityAnti-MOUSE IgG3 (Gamma 3 chain) Antibody was prepared from monospecific antiserum by immunoaffinity chromatography using Mouse IgG3 coupled to agarose beads followed by solid phase adsorption(s) to remove any unwanted reactivities. Assay by immunoelectrophoresis resulted in a single precipitin arc against anti-Goat Serum, Mouse Serum, Mouse IgG and Mouse IgG3. No reaction was observed against Bovine, Human, and Rabbit Serum Proteins. Specificity was confirmed by ELISA for human and rabbit. For IgG1, IgG2a and IgG2b reactivity was less than 5% against target (IgG3, IgG). Cross-reactivity against Bovine is assessed only by IEP.
    StorageStore vial at 4° C prior to opening. This product is stable at 4° C as an undiluted liquid. Dilute only prior to immediate use. For extended storage, mix with an equal volume of glycerol, aliquot contents and freeze at -20° C or below. Avoid cycles of freezing and thawing.
    Buffer/Preservatives0.01% (w/v) Sodium Azide. 0.02 M Potassium Phosphate, 0.15 M Sodium Chloride, pH 7.2
    Alternative namesgoat anti-MOUSE IgG3 Antibody, goat anti-MOUSE IgG
    NoteFor research use only
    Application notesAnti-Mouse IgG3 secondary antibody has been tested by ELISA and is suitable for ELISA, Immunohistochemistry, western blotting as well as other anti IgG3 antibody based assays. Mouse IgG3 secondary antibody is available in a variety of formats.
    Expiration Date12 months from date of receipt.
    Mouse IgG3 antibody

    ELISA Results of Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3 (Gamma 3 chain) Antibody Minimum Cross Reactivity to Bovine, Human, and Rabbit Serum Proteins tested against purified Mouse IgG3 mx3. Each well was coated in duplicate with 1.0 µg of Mouse IgG3 (p/n orb343779). The working dilution is 1:90000. The starting dilution of antibody was 5 µg/ml and the X-axis represents the Log10 of a 3-fold dilution. This titration is a 4-parameter curve fit where the IC50 is defined as the titer of the antibody. Assay performed using HRP Conjugate Stabilizer, Donkey Anti-Goat IgG HRP (p/n orb347032), and TMB substrate (p/n orb348651).