Bradford reagent, 5x

Cat# 39222.03

Size : 500ML

Brand : SERVA Electrophoresis

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Protein dye reagent for protein quantification after Bradford (1).

  • Precise, reproducible and inexpensive
  • Fast, only five minutes incubation before reading the sample at 595 nm
  • Suitable for micro (1 - 25 µg protein/ml) and standard (100 – 1000 µg protein/ml) assays

    50 ml Bradford reagent are sufficient for more than 200 micro assays (1-ml cuvette) or for more than 900 assays in micro titer plates.

    1. Bradford, M. M. (1976) Anal. Biochem., 72, 248 – 254
    Hazard Statements H226 - H314
    Precautions P260 - P280
    Reaction P301 +P330 +P331 - P303 +P361 +P353 - P304 +P340 - P305 +P351 +P338

    GGVSE/ADR: 3 III UN2924IATA: 3 III UN2924WGK: 1HS: 38229000
    Storage Temperature: +2 °C to +8 °C

  • Certificates of Analysis (Lot.-no. - release date)

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