BCIP/NBT Solution

Cat# orb1710959-125ml

Size : 125ml

Brand : Biorbyt

    BCIP/NBT Solution

    BCIP/NBT Solution

    Catalog Number: orb1710959

    Catalog Numberorb1710959
    Description5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Phosphate/nitroblue Tetrazolium (BCIP/NBT) SolutionIs a widely used chromogen for immunohistochemical and in-situ staining. This reagent is available as a single component, ready-to-use reagent. When in the presence of the Alkaline-Phosphatase enzyme, BCIP/NBT produces a purple precipitate that is soluble in alcohol.
    NoteFor research use only
    Expiration Date12 months from date of receipt.