AgaPure™ GreenSafe Agarose Tablets

Cat# AGT003

Size : 100Tabletsx0.5g

Brand : Canvax Biotech

AgaPure™ GreenSafe Agarose Tablets

High Quality Standard Agarose with GreenSafe DNA Stain in convenient Ready-to-use tablets

AgaPure™ GreenSafe Agarose Tablets is a High Quality and Extremely Pure Agarose packed in a convenient blister pack. Each Tablet contains a predetermined amount of standard melting point agarose (0.5 g) and perfect amount of GreenSafe DNA dye. Standard Agarose forms very clear gels with all standard running buffers and will result in a sharp and clear separation of your bio molecules.

Extremely pure Agarose with very low interference binding to staining reagents which produces a low background and high contrast appearance after staining. This is especially important to obtain sharp and well-defined DNA and/or RNA bands with the highest sensitivity in the low molecular weight range. The high quality of agarose allows the good detection of small DNA bands size below 100 bp.

100 Tablets x 0.5 g
SKU: AGT003 Categories: Agaroses Powder & Tablets, DNA Electrophoresis

Detailed information:

  • Performance Enhanced: thanks to its high purity and reliability with reduced error rates.
  • Highest Quality: DNase/RNase-free – for all nucleic acid separation.
  • Convenient: exactly preweighed format.
  • Time-Saving Protocol: GreenSafe DNA Stain is already included in the tablet, eliminating the need to add an additional DNA stain.
  • Fast results: fast dissolving protocol.
  • Enviromental-friendly: our tablet format reduces ecological impact of transport.
  • Melting Point (1.5%): 88 ±1.5°C
  • Separation range: 100 bp to >30 kb
  • Product size: 100 tablets (0.5 g each)
  • GreenSafe DNA Stain is a non-carcinogenic alternative to Ethidium Bromide.

– 100 AgaPure™ GreenSafe Agarose Tablets (0.5 g).

  • DNA/RNA Electrophoresis.
  • Ideal for separating nucleic acids of a wide range of sizes.
  • Excellent for all Blotting applications.
  • Purification of DNA fragments from the gel for further Molecular Biology applications.
  • Southern and Northern blotting.
  • Immunoelectrophoresis.

  • Strict quality controls in every manufacturing step to guarantee the highest quality and reproducibility.
  • Free of DNA binders, inhibitors, DNases, and RNases.
  • Shipped at: Ambient Temperature.
  • Storage: Room Temperature (20 – 24 °C). For long-term storage may also be done at 4–8 °C. Protect from moisture.

This product is developed, designed and sold exclusively for Research purposes and in vitro use only (RUO). The product was not tested for use in diagnostics or for drug development, nor is it suitable for administration to humans or animals. For more info, please check its Material Safety Data Sheet available in this website.

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