Acetoacetate (AcAc) is the simplest β-keto acid and is one of the three ketone bodies. Acetoacetate is produced through condensation of two molecules of acetyl-CoA in liver mitochondria. Acetoacetate can be decarboxylated to produce acetone (CH3)2CO or enzymatically reduced to 3-β-hydroxybutyrate (β-HB). Ketone bodies (β-HB: 78%; AcAc: 20%; (CH3)2CO: 2%) are primarily used as an alternative energy source when glucose cannot be delivered to the system. Excessive concentration of ketone bodies is found in patients with severe starvation, alcoholism or Type I diabetes. Using the traditional method, AcAc levels can be qualitatively detected using dipsticks that use sodium nitroferricyanide as a chromophore. The Acetoacetate Colorimetric Assay Kit provides a specific and sensitive way for detection of AcAc levels in various body fluids based on colorimetric method. The kit modified the principle of the traditional method. In the assay, AcAc reacts with a substrate to yield a colored product that can be measured at 550 nm. The assay is specific for AcAc and does not detect β-HB. The kit can detect as low as 25 µM AcAc in human blood, urine and other body fluids.
Features & Properties
Specific for acetoacetate and does not detect 3-β-hydroxybutyrate; The assay can detect less than 25 µM of acetoacetate in various sample types.
Blue Ice
Storage Conditions
Store at -20°C.
Store at -20°C.
Kit components
Acetoacetate Assay Buffer, Acetoacetate Standard (Lyophilized), Acetoacetate Substrate
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