Trans10 Chemically Competent Cell
Cat# CD101-01
Size : 10×100ul
Brand : TransGen Biotech
TransZol Plant
Catalog Number: ET121-01
Price:Please inquire first
Product Details
TransZol Plant is a ready-to-use reagent for the isolation of total RNA from polysaccharide-rich and/or polyphenol plant tissues, such as champignon, banana fruit, mango fruit, potato, carrot, sansevieria. It uses a modified CTAB method to lyse samples andphenol/chloroform to remove proteins and others impurities. It is also suitable for the isolation of total RNA from animal tissues like fat, connective tissues etc.
• Superior lysis capability and higher RNA yield.
• The whole procedure can be completed in one hour.
• Pink solution for easy visualizing different phases.
• Unique dissolving solution for long-term RNA storage.
Storage: at room temperature for one year
1 Wang L, Tian T, Liang J, et al. A transcription factor of the NAC family regulates nitrate‐induced legume nodule senescence[J]. New Phytologist, 2023.(IF 9.40)
2 Zheng X, He L, Liu Y, et al. A study of male fertility control in Medicago truncatula uncovers an evolutionarily conserved recruitment of two tapetal bHLH subfamilies in plant sexual reproduction[J]. New Phytologist, 2020.(IF 8.51)
3 Zhang Y, Gao Y, Wang H L, et al. Verticillium dahliae secretory effector PevD1 induces leaf senescence by promoting ORE1-mediated ethylene biosynthesis[J]. Molecular plant, 2021.(IF 13.16)