PRImeZOL™ Reagent

Cat# AN1100

Size : 2x50mL

Brand : Canvax Biotech

PRImeZOL™ Reagent

For a Quick isolation of High-Quality Total RNA, DNA and/or protein from a single sample

PRImeZOL™ Reagent is a ready-to-use reagent for the isolation of total RNA from various Biological materials such as Animal and Plant Tissues (rich in polysaccharides and proteoglycans), Cell culture and Bacterial cells.

This procedure is based on the sample lysis in cationic detergent guanidinium thiocyanate (GTC), followed by organic extractions and alcohol precipitation. The biological sample is homogenized or lysed before being separated into three phases: an aqueous phase (upper), an organic phase (lower) and an interphase. The RNA remains in the aqueous phase and its purification is followed by precipitation in isopropyl alcohol.

After removal of the aqueous phase, the DNA and proteins in the sample can be recovered by sequential precipitation. PRImeZOL™ Reagent contains phenol and the mixture of other reagents to ensure optimal results.

100 mL
SKU: AN1100 Categories: DNA & RNA Extraction, RNA Reagent based Purification

Detailed information:

  • Quick isolation of high-quality total RNA, DNA and/or protein from a single sample.
  • Ready-to-use solution.
  • Relevant Cost-saving.
  • Proven performance with large or small amounts of tissue or cells.
  • Versatile: ideal for a wide variety of biological materials such as animal and plant tissues (rich in polysaccharides and proteoglycans), cell culture and bacterial cells.
  • Pure RNA: ideal for any downstream application such as RT-PCR, in vitro translation, Northern blotting, RNase protection assays or dot blot hybridization.

– 2 x 50 mL PRImeZOL™ Reagent

  • Purified RNA is ideal for any downstream application such as: RT-PCR, in vitro translation, Northern blotting, RNase protection assays or dot blot hybridization.
  • Purified DNA can be used for PCR and Southern blotting.
  • Purified protein can be used for Western blotting.

  • Strict quality controls in every manufacturing step to guarantee the highest quality and reproducibility.
  • Shipped at: Ambient Temperature.
  • Storage: Store at 2-8°C, protect from light.
  • Pérez-Cabello JA, Silvera-Carrasco L, Franco JM, Capilla-González V, Armaos A, Gómez-Lima M, García-García R, Yap XW, Leal-Lasarte M, Lall D, Baloh RH, Martínez S, Miyata Y, Tartaglia GG, Sawarkar R, García-Domínguez M, Pozo D, Roodveldt C. MAPK/MAK/MRK overlapping kinase (MOK) controls microglial inflammatory/type-I IFN responses via Brd4 and is involved in ALS. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Jul 11;120(28):e2302143120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2302143120. Epub 2023 Jul 3. PMID: 37399380; PMCID: PMC10334760.
  • Lazarova, M.; Stefanova, M.; Denev, P.; Taseva, T.; Vassileva, V.; Tasheva, K. Neuroprotective Effect of Marrubium vulgare Extract in Scopolamine-Induced Cognitive Impairment in Rats: Behavioral and Biochemical Approaches. Biology 202413, 426.
  • Pérez-Cabello, J. A., Silvera-Carrasco, L.,  et al. (2023).  MAPK/MAK/MRK overlapping kinase (MOK) controls microglial inflammatory/type-I IFN responses via Brd4 and is involved in ALS pathophysiology.
  • Gómez-Melero, S. (2022). Desarrollo de anticuerpos terapéuticos contra el receptor CCR6 humano.
  • Pacchini, S., Piva, E., Schumann, S., Irato, P., Pellegrino, D., & Santovito, G. (2023). An Experimental Study on Antioxidant Enzyme Gene Expression in Trematomus newnesi (Boulenger, 1902) Experimentally Exposed to Perfluoro-Octanoic Acid. Antioxidants12(2), 352.
  • Pacchini, S., Piva, E., Schumann, S., Irato, P., Pellegrino, D., & Santovito, G. (2023). Are Antarctic Fish Adapted to Face Global Changes? A Study on Antioxidant Enzymes Gene Expression in Trematomus newnesi from Ross Sea, Experimentally Exposed to PFOA.
  • Yerbes, R., Mora-Molina, R., Fernández-Farrán, F. J., Hiraldo, L., López-Rivas, A., & Palacios, C. (2022). Limiting glutamine utilization activates a GCN2/TRAIL-R2/Caspase-8 apoptotic pathway in glutamine-addicted tumor cells. Cell Death & Disease13(10), 906.
  • Bakiu, R., Piva, E., Schumann, S., Irato, P., & Santovito, G. (2022). Metallothionein Expression as Physiological Response Against Metal Toxicity in the Striped Rockcod Trematomus hansoni.
  • Pizzino, F., Furini, G., Casieri, V., Mariani, M., Bianchi, G., Storti, S., … & Lionetti, V. Plasma exosome microRNA-21-5p depicts magnitude of late reverse ventricular remodeling after surgical repair of primary mitral valve regurgitation. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 1984.
  • Piva, E., Schumann, S., Dotteschini, S., Brocca, G., Radaelli, G., Marion, A., … & Santovito, G. (2022). Antioxidant Responses Induced by PFAS Exposure in Freshwater Fish in the Veneto Region.
  • Mora-Molina, R., Stöhr, D., Rehm, M., & López-Rivas, A. (2022). cFLIP downregulation is an early event required for endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis in tumor cells. Cell Death & Disease13(2), 1-12.
  • Reverte, Marta, et al. “The antioxidant response favors Leishmania parasites survival, limits inflammation and reprograms the host cell metabolism.” PLoS pathogens 17.3 (2021): e1009422.
  • Gómez-Melero, S., García-Maceira, F. I., García-Maceira, T., Luna-Guerrero, V., Montero-Peñalvo, G., Túnez-Fiñana, I., & Paz-Rojas, E. (2021). Amino Terminal Recognition by a CCR6 Chemokine Receptor Antibody Blocks CCL20 Signaling and IL-17 Expression via β-arrestin.
  • García-Maceira, T., García-Maceira, F. I., González-Reyes, J. A., & Paz-Rojas, E. (2020). Highly enhanced ELISA sensitivity using acetylated chitosan surfaces.BMC Biotechnology20(1), 41.
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This product is developed, designed and sold exclusively for Research purposes and in vitro use only (RUO). The product was not tested for use in diagnostics or for drug development, nor is it suitable for administration to humans or animals. For more info, please check its Material Safety Data Sheet available in this website.

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