MagicPure® Simple Viral DNA/RNA Kit (With Magnetic Stand)

Cat# EC311-01

Size : 50rxns

Brand : TransGen Biotech

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MagicPure® Simple Viral DNA/RNA Kit(With Magnetic Stand)

Catalog Number: EC311-01

Price:Please Inquiry First

50 rxns

Product Details

MagicPure® Viral DNA/RNA Kit utilizes a unique lysis buffer to lyse virus and release DNA/RNA. The released DNA/RNA is effectively purified after specifically binding to silica magnetic beads. It is suitable for isolating viral DNA/RNA from up to 200µL of plasma, serum, whole blood, tissue homogenate, cell-free body fluid, nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal aspirate/wash, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), tracheal aspirate, sputum, nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swab and animal cell culture supernatant. The isolated DNA/RNA with high purity can be applied in PCR, RT-PCR, qPCR, and qRT-PCR, etc. This kit is compatible with high-throughput magnetic-rod nucleic acid extractor. 


• Simple and fast, no centrifugation required 

• High yield, high purity


High-copy number and low-copy number gene detection


At room temperature (15°C-25°C )  in a dry place for one year.

At room temperature.

Product Composition


Experimental Data



After extracting DNA from Porcine Rabies Virus (PRV) quality control samples, the extraction efficiency was detected by qPCR (TransGen, AQ712).