TransNGS® Library Quantification Kit for Illumina®
Cat# KQ101-02
Size : 500rxns
Brand : TransGen Biotech
TransNGS® Library Quantification Kit for Illumina®
Catalog Number: KQ101-01
Price:Please inquire first
100 rxns
500 rxns
Product Details
TransNGS® Library Quantification Kit for Illumina® provides all reagents needed for qPCR based quantification of DNA libraries prepared for Illumina next generation sequencing platforms. Five linear DNA Standards with different GC contents are provided for customers to choose from. The kit also contains PCR primers which target the P5 and P7 adaptor sequences and TransNGS® Library Quantification qPCR SuperMix (2×) for library amplifications.
At -20°C in dark for one year
Dry ice (-70℃)
Product Composition