NeoLux; Viability assessment by measure of loss of redox homeostasis

Cat# NB-63-0004

Size : 384Well

Brand : Neo Biotech

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NeoLux: Viability assessment by measure of loss of redox homeostasis


Assay principle 

The patented technology is a live cell test that measures the state ofhomeostasis or cell damage by fluorescence readout.  The technology has been optimized for high throughput on 96- and 384-well plates, suitable for commercial fluorescence readers according to a very simple protocol limited to the addition of the fluorescent marker in the culture medium and two fluorescent measurements. The technology is based on photo-induction of a biosensorleading to a fluorescence signal. This fluorescence increases is only observed on cells in homeostasis prior to biosensor addition. Calculation of the fluorescence ratios before and after LED application leads to an accurate and dose-dependent measurement of the state of cellular damage that follows chemical or physical toxicity induced by the sample.


  • For 1000 or 400 mesure points in 96-well plates
  • One -step porcedure
  • No wash 
  • Standard procedure to most cell lines ( optimization kit available if needed)
  • Adapted to cell lines, hiPSCs, primary cells...
  • 1 solution in the kit ( biosensor to be diluted in the cultute medium)
  • Storage 4°C
  • Time to expiration: 6 months
  • Also available for 384-well plates 






List of Products 

Cat# Description Cond.


NeoLux; Viability assessment by measure of loss of redox homeostasis  96Well 


NeoLux; Viability assessment by measure of loss of redox homeostasis  384Well 
NB-63-0005-Demo NeoLight; 96/384 well plate illuminator for NeoStress/Neolux technologies - Demo   96/384Well 
NB-63-0005 NeoLight; 96/384 well plate illuminator for NeoStress/Neolux technologies 96/384Well 


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