TransDetect® Bright-Luc Firefly Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit

Cat# FR104-01

Size : 10ml

Brand : TransGen Biotech

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TransDetect® Bright-Luc Firefly Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit 

Catalog Number: FR104-01

Price:Please inquire first

10 ml
100 ml

Product Details

Bright-Luc Firefly Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit provides firefly luciferase reporter gene assay system with ultra-high sensitivity,  stable and homogeneous fluorescence signal to measure quickly and efficiently intracellular luciferase expression without washing  and collecting cells. The kit contains luciferin and optimized reaction reagents. This assay is based on luciferase system, the  prepared Bright-Luc detection solution is directly added to the cell culture system to fully lyse the cells and release the luciferase,  which can emit stable and detectable light signal.  The kit contains reaction buffer and substrate. Add an equal volume of the mixed Bright-Luc assay solution to the cell culture, and  the signal can be detected in 3 minutes. The signal with high intensity and a half-life of 40 minutes can be more suitable for  high-throughput assays that have higher requirements for sensitivity. It is easy to use, fast and efficient. And the signal is sensitive  and stable.


At -20℃ in the dark for one year. The prepared Bright-Luc detection solution should be stored at -20℃ for 30 days,  avoiding repeated freezing and thawing. If not used for a long time, it is recommended to store it at -80℃.


Dry ice (-70℃)

Product Composition
