SERVAGel™ IEF 3 - 10, 15 sample wells

Cat# 43239.01

Size : 10GELS

Brand : SERVA Electrophoresis

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The precast gel SERVAGel ™ IEF 3 - 10 is suitable for isoelectric focusing (IEF) in a pH range of 3 to 8.5 (Standard IEF) and 5.5 to 11 (non-equilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis, NEPHGE). For NEPHGE you change cathode and anode buffer as well as polarity of the electrophoresis chamber. In contrast to standard IEF, samples are loaded anodic, which enables an optimal separation of basic to very basic proteins.

HS: 38229000
Storage Temperature: +2 °C to +8 °C