ProMag™ HP Streptavidin

Cat# 25508-5

Size : 5ml

Brand : Polysciences

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ProMag® HP Streptavidin

Grouped product items
Catalog Number Unit Size QTY
25508-1 1 ml
25508-2 2 ml
25508-5 5 ml
25508-10 10 ml

Product Overview

ProMag® HP are highly uniform polymer-based magnetite spheres available in 3µm diameter. A unique surface means low nonspecific binding in protein-based systems, and superior handling without the use of surfactant. These high-binding beads are suitable for use across a range of research and diagnostic applications, whether you're working at laboratory scale or have the more stringent requirements of high throughput applications.

ProMag® HP (High Performance) have been meticulously engineered for use in assay development. The highly optimized composition ensures lowest autosignal, particularly with respect to chemiluminescence and exposed iron.

  • Mean Diameter: 3µm
  • Density: ~1.4 g/cm3
  • Solids: 1%
Shipping Requirements:


Concentration (nom.):
1% solids (w/v), ~5.07e+8 particles/ml
Suspending Solution:
1% Solids, 100mM Borate pH 8.5 + 0.1% Casein + 0.05% Tween 20 + 10mM EDTA

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Safety & Storage

Harmless-use normal precautions
Exercise normal care
Store at 4° C, Do not permit to freeze, Refrigerate on arrival, do not freeze

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