ProMag™ 1 Series COOH Surfactant-Free Microspheres

Cat# 25029-25

Size : 25ml

Brand : Polysciences

ProMag® 1 Series COOH Surfactant-Free Microspheres

Grouped product items
Catalog Number Unit Size QTY
25029-5 5 ml
25029-25 25 ml

Product Overview

Highly uniform 1µm polymer-based magnetic spheres. A hydrophilic surface means low nonspecific binding in protein-based systems, and superior handling without the use of surfactant.

These high-binding beads are suitable for use across a range of research and diagnostic applications, whether you’re working at laboratory scale or have the more stringent requirements of high throughput applications. See noticeably decreased separation times, without breaking the bank! 5ml volume is great for testing!

  • Mean Diameter: 1μm
  • Density: ~1.8 g/cm3
  • Solids: 2.5% (COOH Surfactant-free)
Magnetic isolations & assay development


Surface Functionality:
Concentration (nom.):
2.5% solids (w/v), ~2.57e+10 particles/ml
Suspending Solution:
2.5% Solids, DI Water (Surfactant Free)

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Safety & Storage

Harmless-use normal precautions
Exercise normal care
Store at 4 degrees celsius;Do not permit to freeze