Empire Genomics has developed a MAFB Break Apart FISH Probe which can be used to detect a rearrangement of the MAFB gene. Our probes come labeled in green and orange.

** This product is for in vitro and research use only. This product is not intended for diagnostic use.

Gene Summary

The protein encoded by this gene is a basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor that plays an important role in the regulation of lineage-specific hematopoiesis. The encoded nuclear protein represses ETS1-mediated transcription of erythroid-specific genes in myeloid cells. This gene contains no introns. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

Gene Details

Gene Symbol: MAFB

Gene Name: MAF BZIP Transcription Factor B

Chromosome: CHR20: 39314516-39317876

Locus: 20q12


Customer Publications

There are currently no FISH related publications for this gene.