Glutathione SepFast

Cat# 320101-1L

Size : 1litre

Brand : BioToolomics


Glutathione SepFast is an affinity chromatography medium used for the rapid one-step purification of Glutathione S-transferase (GST)-tagged proteins. Other Glutathione S-transferases and Glutathione-binding proteins can also be purified with this adsorbent.

Reduced Glutathione ligand is immobilised to the carefully designed porous support via very stable thiolether linkage.

GST-tagged proteins expressed in bacteria, yeasts, insects and mammalian cell cultures can be readily purified in a single purification step. GST tag can be cleaved in bound condition or in eluted condition by specific proteases.

Glutathione SepFast adsorbents are specifically designed and fabricated for the purification of GST-tagged proteins in batch (stirred tank), gravity flow or packed column modes. Glutathione SepFast is made of highly cross-linked agarose beads. Its carefully controlled pore structure allows fast access of affinity ligands by target protein molecules. Also, its high mechanical strength permits liquid to pass through gravity columns or packed columns at excellent flow rates. Clarified or unclarified cell lysates (for intracellular proteins) or culture broths (for extracellular proteins) could be directly processed with Glutathione SepFast. All these translate into high process flexibility and higher protein yield at shortened purification time.

Glutathione SepFast BG is supplied as loose resin or is supplied as pre-packed columns.

Characteristics of Glutathione SepFast resins and columns

Particle size 50 – 150 μm
Base matrix Highly cross-linked 4% agarose
Ligand Glutathione
Ligand density >=20 μmol / ml resin
Protein binding capacity Depends on the type of proteins and binding conditions; could be > 10 mg / ml resin
Chemical stability Stable in all the commonly used aqueous buffers; stable at short contact to denaturants (e.g. 6M guanidine.HCl or 8M urea); stable to common clean-in-place agents e.g. 70% ethanol, 0.1 M NaOH, 0.1 M HCl.
pH stability 3-12
Storage condition 20% ethanol at 4oC – 8oC

Operation Manual

Operation Manual

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