Aconitase (aconitate hydratase) is an iron-sulfur protein that catalyzes the stereo-specific isomerization of citrate to isocitrate via cis-aconitate in the TCA cycle. The active aconitase has an [Fe4S4]2+ cluster. There is two aconitases: a cytosolic (c-) aconitase and a mitochondrial (m-), which are related but distinctly different enzymes and are coded on different chromosomes. Cells or other biological samples treated with pro-oxidants can cause loss of aconitase activity, which can be used to measure oxidative damage.
The Aconitase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit provides a highly sensitive, simple, fast and convenient way for detection of aconitase activity in various samples based on colorimetric method. In the assay, aconitase converts citrate into isocitrate, which is further processed generating a product that converts a nearly colorless probe into an intensely colored product (λmax = 450 nm). The kit is suitable for high throughput screening.
Features & Properties
Fast and convenient; Simple procedure; Takes approx. less than 40 minutes; Sensitive assays for measuring aconitase activity in various biological samples.