TransGen Biotech


TransGen Biotech, Inc. is a researcher, developer, manufacturer and distributor of more than 200 molecular and cellular biology products and kits for life science research and molecular diagnostics. In 2001, the company was founded by three scientists with a mission to produce innovative and cost-effective products for life science research. 

Currently, their products cover: plasmid based DNA markers, high efficiency chemically competent cells, 5 minutes PCR product cloning and expression vectors, a variety of PCR enzymes and supermix, RNase H deficient and high temperature RT enzymes, qPCR and qRT-PCR supermix, the highest efficiency mutagenesis kits, high quality nucleic acid extraction and purification kits, unstained and prestained protein markers, western blot markers, and protein purification resins, cell culture and transfection reagents, antibodies. 










Constant Tempretature

Fluorescence Detector


Desktop High-Speed 



Fluorescent Quantitative PCR



Gradient PCR Thermal Cycler



Nucleic Acid Gel Electrophoresis

and Imaging System


Ultra Micro Spectrophotometer










Cell Biology



Mycoplasma Detection Cell



Natural Killer Cell Research



EasyPure® Fast Cell RNA Kit



Cell and Tissue Culture



TransScript® 5'/3' Race Kit










Molecular Diagnostic Products



PerfectStart® Fast Green 

qPCR SuperMix


PerfectStart® II Probe qPCR

SuperMix UDG


Reagent Solutions for

Molecular Diagnosis


TransScript® II Multiplex Probe

One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix 


Vertical Electtrophoresis and

Transfer Systems













Performance Report of EasyPure® Universal Plant Total RNA Kit (ER302)


CAR-T Immunotherapy Solutions







Watch the videos





TS-32 Automated Nucleic Acid Extractors





How to use SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid

Detection Kit (Multiplex Real Time RT-PCR)




TransGen webinar The basics of Quantitative

Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR)




Cell Culture: The basic essentials you need to know





TransGen Webinar for NGS Products


TransGen-Plasmid Extraction


TransGen's Vlog


TSI 100 Nucleic Acid Gel Imaging System