QC Test

Hybridization position of the probes on the chromosome.

Hybridization position of the probes on the chromosome.

Hybridization position of the probes on the chromosome.

  • Specifications

    Product Description

    Labeled FISH probes for identification of gene split using Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Technique. ().

    Probe 1

    Name: PRDM10
    Size: Approximately 440kb
    Fluorophore: Texas Red
    Location: 11q24.3

    Probe 2

    Name: PRDM10
    Size: Approximately 620kb
    Fluorophore: FITC
    Location: 11q24.3




    Genomic DNA






    We strongly recommend the customer to use FFPE FISH PreTreatment Kit 1 (Catalog #: KA2375 or KA2691) for the pretreatment of Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) tissue sections.

    Regulatory Status

    For research use only (RUO)

    Quality Control Testing

    Representative images of normal human cell (lymphocyte) stain with the dual color FISH probe. The left image is chromosomes at metaphase, and the right image is an interphase nucleus.

    Supplied Product

    DAPI Counterstain (1500 ng/mL ) 125 uL for each 100 uL FISH Probe

    Storage Instruction

    Store at 4°C in the dark.


    Hybridization position of the probes on the chromosome.

  • Applications

    Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (Cell)

  • Gene Info — PRDM10

    Entrez GeneID


    Gene Name


    Gene Alias

    KIAA1231, MGC131802, PFM7

    Gene Description

    PR domain containing 10

    Gene Ontology


    Gene Summary

    The protein encoded by this gene is a transcription factor that contains C2H2-type zinc-fingers. It also contains a positive regulatory domain, which has been found in several other zinc-finger transcription factors including those involved in B cell differentiation and tumor suppression. Studies of the mouse counterpart suggest that this protein may be involved in the development of the central nerve system (CNS), as well as in the pathogenesis of neuronal storage disease. Multiple alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms have been observed. [provided by RefSeq

    Other Designations

    PR-domain family member 7|PRDM zinc finger transcription factor|tristanin

  • Interactomes
  • Diseases