Picrosirius Red Stain Kit

Cat# 24901-250

Size : 250g

Brand : Polysciences

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Picrosirius Red Stain Kit

Grouped product items
Catalog Number Unit Size QTY
24901-250 250 ml
24901-500 500 ml

Product Overview

Picrosirius Red Stain binds specifically to collagen fibrils of varying diameter that is used to distinguish collagen Type I from Type III. Picrosirius Red Stain will quantify the amount of collagen in a given area of myocardial tissue. Picrosirius Red staining is also useful in the quantitative aspect of liver fibrosis by measuring a change in collagen proportion stained as red (Jang et.al., 2014).

Kit contains:
Solution A - Phosphomolybdic Acid (250ml or 500ml)
Solution B - Picrosirius Red F3BA Stain (250ml or 500ml)
Solution C - 0.1 N Hydrochloride Acid (250ml or 500ml)

The 250 ml kit stains up to 100 slides; 500 ml kit stains up to 200 slides
Shipping Requirements:

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Safety & Storage

Gloves, chemical goggles
Store at room temperature

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