EasyPure® Food and Fodder Security Genomic DNA Kit

Cat# EE171-01

Size : 50rxns

Brand : TransGen Biotech

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EasyPure® Food and Fodder Security Genomic DNA Kit

Catalog Number: EE171-01

Price:Please inquire first

50 rxns

Product Details

This kit uses modified cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) lysis method to lysis cells. DNA is bound to high-adsorption silica-based column and eluted with elution buffer without phenol/chloroform. This kit is designed for total DNA extraction from highly processed food material due to high temperature, or/and extreme pH. It is also suitable to isolate trace amount of animal DNA from fodder. The purified DNA can be used for the detection of genetically modified organisms, animal species in food and fodder.

• Strong lysis, fast extraction

• High purity, high efficiency DNA isolation


Carrier RNA at -20°C for one year; others at room temperature (15-25°C) for one year


At room temperature

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