Simply Cellular® anti-Mouse for Violet Laser

Cat# BLI835B-5

Size : 5ml

Brand : Polysciences

Simply Cellular® anti-Mouse for Violet Laser

Grouped product items
Catalog Number Unit Size QTY
BLI835A-1 1 ml
BLI835B-5 5 ml

Product Overview

The Simply Cellular® anti-Mouse for Violet Laser standard features microspheres comprised of a proprietary matrix that exhibits low autofluorescence with violet excitation. Beads are suitable for labeling with mouse Abs conjugated with violet fluorochromes, and for use as a compensation or general reference standard for detectors off of the violet laser. Beads are also suitable for use with other fluorochromes / detectors, e.g. 488nm, 633nm. The Simply Cellular® anti-Mouse for Violet Laser standard is supplied as 2 populations: 1 blank and 1 high-binding anti-Mouse IgG (Fc specific) population. They are supplied in aqueous suspension containing ProClin®. For more Flow Cytometry Resources, visit the Bangs Flow Blog.

Available in two test size volumes:

A - 20 tests (1ml)

B - 100 tests (5ml)

Flow Cytometry, compensation


Concentration (nom.):
~2.0e+6 particles per mL
Suspending Solution:
100mM Borate pH 8.5 + 0.1% BSA + 0.05% Tween 20 + 10mM EDTA

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