Rhodamine 123

Cat# 70010

Size : 50MG

Brand : Biotium

Rhodamine 123

Rhodamine 123 is a popular green fluorescent mitochondrial dye that stains mitochondria in living cells in a membrane potential-dependent fashion. It is widely used in flow cytometry studies involving mitochondrial membrane potential.


Cellular Stains
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Product Description

Rhodamine 123 is a popular green fluorescent mitochondrial dye that stains mitochondria in living cells in a membrane potential-dependent fashion. It is widely used in flow cytometry studies involving mitochondrial membrane potential. Please also see Dihydrorhodamine 123 and its HCl salt (10055 and 10056).

  • λExEm (MeOH) = 505/534 nm
  • ε (505 nm, MeOH) = 97,000
  • Orange red solid soluble in DMSO or DMF
  • Store at 4°C and protect from light, especially in solution
  • C21H17ClN2O3
  • MW: 381
  • [62669-70-9]


1. Cytometry 17, 50 (1994).

2. Science 218, 1117 (1982).

3. J Cell Biol 88, 526 (1981).


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