Remdesivir [1809249-37-3]

Cat# AOB31876-10

Size : 10mg



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Data sheet

Molecular FormulaC27H35N6O8P
Molecular Weight602.58
CAS Numbers1809249-37-3
Storage Condition0°C (short term), -20°C (long term), desiccated
Purity98% by HPLC
SynonymRemdesivir; GS-5734; GS 5734; GS5734, Prodrug of GS-441524; Prodrug of GS441524; Prodrug of GS441524;
IUPAC/Chemical Name2-ethylbutyl ((S)-(((2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(4-aminopyrrolo[2,1-f][1,2,4]triazin-7-yl)-5-cyano-3,4-dihydroxytetrahydrofuran-2-yl)methoxy)(phenoxy)phosphoryl)-L-alaninate
InChl CodeInChI=1S/C27H35N6O8P/c1-4-18(5-2)13-38-26(36)17(3)32-42(37,41-19-9-7-6-8-10-19)39-14-21-23(34)24(35)27(15-28,40-21)22-12-11-20-25(29)30-16-31-33(20)22/h6-12,16-18,21,23-24,34-35H,4-5,13-14H2,1-3H3,(H,32,37)(H2,29,30,31)/t17-,21+,23+,24+,27-,42-/m0/s1
SMILES CodeC[C@H](N[P@@](OC1=CC=CC=C1)(OC[C@H]2O[C@@](C#N)(C3=CC=C4C(N)=NC=NN43)[C@H](O)[C@@H]2O)=O)C(OCC(CC)CC)=O
References1) Check Hayden E. Experimental drugs poised for use in Ebola outbreak. Nature. 2018 May;557(7706):475-476. doi: 10.1038/d41586-018-05205-x. PubMed PMID: 29789732.

2) Agostini ML, Andres EL, Sims AC, Graham RL, Sheahan TP, Lu X, Smith EC, Case JB, Feng JY, Jordan R, Ray AS, Cihlar T, Siegel D, Mackman RL, Clarke MO, Baric RS, Denison MR. Coronavirus Susceptibility to the Antiviral Remdesivir (GS-5734) Is Mediated by the Viral Polymerase and the Proofreading Exoribonuclease. MBio. 2018 Mar 6;9(2). pii: e00221-18. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00221-18. PubMed PMID: 29511076; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5844999.

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Novel inhibitor of the replication of several taxonomically diverse RNA viruses such as Middle East respiratory syndrome virus, Ebola virus, Lassa fever virus, Junin virus and respiratory syncytial virus, while having low cytotoxicity in a wide-range of cell lines