Protein A SepFast

Cat# 230101-250ML

Size : 250ml

Brand : BioToolomics


Protein A SepFast is a family of affinity chromatography media for the purification of immunoglobulins. Its purification power has been well documented in various antibody purification applications, such as isolation and purification of classes, subclasses and fragments of immunoglobulins from biological fluids and from cell culture media.

  • Protein A SepFast HighRes: 20 – 50 µm, good for small column run at shorter residence time (i.e. higher flowrate);
  • Protein A SepFast HighRes Endure: 20 – 50 µm, more alkaline-stable than Protein A SepFast HighRes, can be cleaned with 0.5 M NaOH;
  • Protein A SepFast: 50 – 150 µm, good for most applications from small scale to large scale purification requirements (i.e. low column pressure);
  • Protein A SepFast Endure: 50 – 150 µm, more alkaline-stable than Protein A SepFast, can be cleaned with 0.5 M NaOH;
  • Protein A SepFast Large Bead: 150 – 350 µm, particularly good for processing viscous or cell-containing feedstocks (i.e. high settling rate and extremely low column pressure);
  • Protein A SepFast Large Bead Endure: 150 – 350 µm, more alkaline-stable than Protein A SepFast Large Bead, can be cleaned with 0.5 M NaOH;

Standard protein A molecule or more alkaline-stable protein A is immobilised to highly porous and highly cross-linked agarose base matrices. Agarose has long been used for chromatographic separations due to its excellent hydrophilic and low non-specific-binding nature. The particles have an open pore structure with excellent mass transfer properties to large protein molecules. The medium shows high mechanical rigidity, so it can be operated at moderate to high flow velocities with moderate pressure drop.

BioToolomics offers both loose media and pre-packed ready-to-use disposable columns for small scale sample preparation and large-scale bioprocessing use.

The range of Protein A SepFast media is developed and supported for production scale chromatography use. Regulatory Support File (RSF) is available to assist process validation and submissions to regulatory authorities.

Characteristics of Protein A SepFast Range & Protein A SepFast Endure Range

Matrix Highly cross-linked agarose bead
Particle size 20 - 50 µm Protein A SepFast HighRes or HighRes Endure
50 - 150 µm Protein A SepFast or SepFast Endure 
150 - 350 µm Protein A SepFast Large Bead or Large Bead Endure
Max. operating pressure 0.3 MPa (3 bar, 42 psi)
flow rate*
50 to 300 cm/h
Binding capacity** ≥ 30 mg human IgG/mL resin
Chemical compatibility The commonly used reagents for antibody purifications
Chemical stability Stable in most commonly used buffers, 6 M guanidine-HCl; 70% ethanol, 8 M urea, pH 10.5; 0.1 M Glycine-NaOH, pH 11.
Physical stability Negligible volume variation due to changes in pH or ionic strength.
pH stability 3 to 9 (long term); 2 to 10 (short term)
Sanitization Protein A SepFast Endure can be sanitised with 0.5 M NaOH
Storage & temperature 20% ethanol at 2oC – 8oC

*Linear flow rate = volumetric flow rate (c/column cross-sectional area (cm2)
** Please note that there might be considerable deviations in binding capacity for different immunoglobulins derived from the same species, even if they are of the same subclass.

*Other column size available on request.

How to order

Operation Manual

Operation Manual


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