Human Small Intestine Endothelial Cells

Cat# NB-26-00198-500

Size : 500,000+CellsFrozen

Brand : Neo Biotech

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Product Details
Applications: Cell Assays
Type: Primary Cells
Storage: Keep frozen in liquid nitrogen until plating
Shipping: Frozen (Dry Ice/Liquid Nitrogen)
Species Reactivity: Human

Staining of cells with CD31 in red and vWF in green. Cells were counterstained with DAPI (cell nuclei). CD31 is distributed on cell membrane whereas vWF is in cytoplasm as expected.


Staining of cells with CD31 in red and vWF in green. Cells were counterstained with DAPI (cell nuclei). CD31 is distributed on cell membrane whereas vWF is in cytoplasm as expected.