Brain-Heart Infusion Solids, Porcine (Powder)

Cat# B2701-11-500g

Size : 500g

Brand : US Biological

B2701-11 Rabbit Anti-Brain-Heart Infusion Solids, Porcine (Powder)

Clone Type
Microbiological Grade
Shipping Temp
Storage Temp

Brain-Heart Infusion Solids is dehydrated infusion of porcine brains and hearts for use in preparing microbiological culture media. Rosenow devised an excellent medium for culturing streptococci by supplementing Dextrose Broth with bovine brain tissue.1 Hayden, revising Rosenow’s procedure by adding crushed marble to the medium, reported favorable growth of organisms from dental pathogens. Brain-Heart Infusion Solids was developed as an alternative to bovine based Brain Heart Infusion containing media, replacing calf brain and beef heart with porcine brains and hearts. Brain-Heart Infusion Solids was developed for pharmaceutical and vaccine production, and can replace traditional bovine based BHI media in most applications. The nutritionally rich formula of Brain-Heart Infusion Solids is used to grow a variety of microorganisms. The original Brain-Heart Infusion media are specified in standard methods for multiple applications.3-6||Brain-Heart Infusion Solids provides nitrogen, amino acids, and vitamins in microbiological culture media. Brain-Heart Infusion Solids is processed from large volumes of raw material, retaining all the nutritive and growth stimulating properties of fresh tissue.||Precaution:|1. For Laboratory Use||Appearance:|Yellow to beige, free flowing, homogenous powder||Solubility (2%):|Brilliant to clear, amber solution which may or may not have a light precipitate||pH (2%):|6.5-7.5||Loss on Drying:|≤6.0%||Total Nitrogen:|11-13%||Ash:|<15%||Standard Plate Count:|≤5000cfu/g||Expected Cultural Response: |Cultural response on 2% Peptone Agar at 35°C after 18-24 hours incubation.||Peptone Agar (2%):|E. coli ATCC 25922: good to excellent growth|S. aureus ATCC 6538: fair to good growth||Country of Origin:|Brain: Porcine, USA/Mexico|Heart: Porcine, USA/Mexico||Important Note: This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications without the expressed written authorization of United States Biological.

Important Note: This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications without the expressed written authorization of United States Biological.
1. Rosenow, E. C. 1919. Studies on elective localization. J. Dent. Res. 1:205-249. 2. Hayden, R. L. 1923. Elective localization in the eye of bacteria from infected teeth. Arch. Int. Med. 32:828-849. 3. Vanderzant, C., and D. F. Splittstoesser (eds.). 1992. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of food, 3rd ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. 4. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1995. Bacteriological analytical manual, 8th ed. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, MD. 5. Eaton, A. D., L. S. Clesceri, and A. E. Greenberg (eds.). 1995. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 19th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. 6. Cunnif, P. (ed.). 1995. Official methods of analysis, AOAC International, 16th ed. AOAC International, Arlington, VA.

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