BioMag®Plus Protein G - Antibody Isolation Starter Kit

Cat# 86050-1

Size : 1kit

Brand : Polysciences

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BioMag®Plus Protein G - Antibody Isolation Starter Kit

Grouped product items
Catalog Number Unit Size QTY
86050-1 EA

Product Overview

The BioMag®Plus Protein G Antibody Isolation Starter Kit contains all the reagents necessary for the isolation of antibodies from serum and cell culture supernatants.

The contents of the kit are sufficient for five coupling reactions.

Materials Supplied with Kit:

  • 2.5ml - BioMag®Plus Protein G Particles
  • 10 x 1.5ml - Microcentrifuge Tubes
  • 50ml - Protein G Binding/Wash Buffer
  • 1 - BioMag® Solo-Sep Magnetic Separator (Cat. #8MB4112S)
  • 5ml - Protein G Elution Buffer
  • 1ml - Protein G Neutralization Buffer

Requires: Cold Pack

Magnetic affinity isolations, Antibody isolation


Concentration (nom.):
5 mg/ml
Suspending Solution:
DI Water + ≤0.1% Surfactant
Protein G

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Safety & Storage

Harmless-use normal precautions
Exercise normal care
Store at 4 degrees celsius;Do not permit to freeze