Mouse Monoclonal

Application / Dilution

Size 100 μl

Species Reactivity Hu, Rt, Ms

MW 42 kDa

Isotype IgG1

The stress-activated protein kinases (SAPK) or Jun-amino-terminal kinases (JNK) are potently activated by stressors such as UV and gamma radiation. Similar to other MAP Kinases, the core signaling unit is composed of a MAPKKK, usually MEKK1-4 or a mixed lineage kinase (MLK), which phosphorylate and activate MKK4-7, leading to dual phosphorylation and activation of JNK kinases. Rho-GTPases (Rac1 and cdc42) can stimulate MEKKs and MLKs, while MKKs can be activated by a GTPase-independent pathway that involves the germinal center kinase family. There are three JNK genes (JNK1, 2, 3) with further diversification resulting from alternative splicing. Active JNK dimers can translocate to the nucleus to regulate transcription through phosphorylation of c-Jun, ATF-2 and other transcription factors.


Davis, R.J. (1999) Biochem. Soc. Symp. 64:1.
Ichijo, H. (1999) Oncogene 18:6087.
Kyriakis, J.M. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274:5259.
Whitmarsh, A.J. & Davis, R.J. (1998) Trends Biochem. Sci. 23:481.

Western blot analysis of PC12 cells untreated (lanes 1 & 3) or treated with calyculin A (100 nM) for 30 minutes (lanes 2 & 4). The blot was probed with anti-JNK1 (lanes 1 & 2) or anti-JNK1 (T183/Y185) (lanes 3 & 4).

Immunocytochemical labeling of JNK in control (Top row) or calyculin A-treated A431 cells (Bottom row). The cells were labeled with mouse monoclonal JNK (C-terminal region) (Left) or mouse monoclonal JNK (Thr-183/Tyr-185) (Right). The antibodies were detected using goat anti-mouse DyLight® 594.

Clone M267 was generated from a recombinant protein corresponding to amino acid residues in the C-terminal region of human JNK1. This sequence has high homology to rat and mouse JNK1, and has homology to similar regions in JNK2 and JNK3.

*For more information, see UniProt Accession P45983
Mouse monoclonal purified with protein A chromatography is supplied in 100µl phosphate-buffered saline, 50% glycerol, 1 mg/ml BSA, and 0.05% sodium azide. Store at –20°C. Stable for 1 year.

The products are are safely shipped at ambient temperature for both domestic and international shipments. Each product is guaranteed to match the specifications as indicated on the corresponding technical data sheet. Please store at -20C upon arrival for long term storage.

This antibody detects a 46 kDa* protein corresponding to the apparent molecular mass of JNK1 on SDS-PAGE immunoblots of human A431 and HeLa, as well as rat PC12 cells.

*All molecular weights (MW) are confirmed by comparison to Bio-Rad Rainbow Markers and to western blot mobilities of known proteins with similar MW.

This kit contains: