Mouse Monoclonal

Application / Dilution

Size 100 μl

Species Reactivity Hu, Rt, Ms, Ck

MW 36 kDa

Isotype IgG1

The Annexin family of calcium-binding proteins is composed of al least thirteen mammalian genes (Annexin A1-13). These proteins are characterized by a conserved core domain which binds to phospholipids in a Ca2+-dependent manner and a unique amino terminal region which may confer binding specificity. The Annexin family has been implicated as regulators of such diverse processes as ion-flux, endocytosis and exocytosis, and cellular adhesion. Annexin A2 (calpactin I, chromobindin 8, p36, Lipocortin II, PAP-IV, or Protein I) is a cytoskeletal calcium-dependent phospholipid binding protein, which has been shown to be a mediator of cortocosteroid activity, a substrate for serine/threonine kinases and growth regulated tyrosine kinases, and may play a role in secretion. Annexin A6 reverses transformation of A431 cells after overexpression, and this effect may involve annexin A6 targeting of p120 RasGAP to the plasma membrane to inactivate Ras.


Grewal, T. & Enrich, C. (2006) Bioessays 28(12):1211.
Feinberg, J.M. et al. (1991) J Histochem & Cytochem. 39:955.
Zokas, L. & Glenney, J.R. (1987) J Cell Biol. 105:2111.

Western blot of rat PC12 cell lysate. The blot was probed with mouse monoclonal anti-Annexin A2 antibody at 1:250 (lane 1) or 1:1000 (lane 2).

Immunocytochemical labeling of Annexin A2 in NGF-differentiated rat PC12 cells. The cells were fixed in paraformaldehyde and permeabilized using NP-40, then labeled with mouse monoclonal Annexin A2 (C-terminal region). The antibody was detected using goat anti-mouse DyLight® 594.

Clone (M298) was generated from a recombinant sequence that included amino acids in the C-terminal region of rat Annexin A2.

*For more information, see UniProt Accession Q07936
Mouse monoclonal, protein A purified antibody is supplied in 100µl phosphate-buffered saline, 50% glycerol, 1 mg/ml BSA, and 0.05% sodium azide. Store at -20°C. Stable for 1 year.

The products are are safely shipped at ambient temperature for both domestic and international shipments. Each product is guaranteed to match the specifications as indicated on the corresponding technical data sheet. Please store at -20C upon arrival for long term storage.

This antibody detects a 36 kDa* protein corresponding to the molecular mass of Annexin A2 on SDS-PAGE immunoblots of rat PC12 cells. The antibody has been shown to label Annexin A2 in immunocytochemical analysis of PC12 cells and immunohistochemical analysis of mouse diaphragm.

*All molecular weights (MW) are confirmed by comparison to Bio-Rad Rainbow Markers and to western blot mobilities of known proteins with similar MW.

This kit contains: